Sound nutrition kept simple

Learn how to embrace a healthy diet with a free community talk at Yukti Botanicals at Belmondos Organic Market.

A FREE community talk will be held at Yukti Botanicals at Belmondos Organic Market for anyone who is interested in how to select healthy foods without becoming a health fanatic or expert.
The community talk will also tackle topics such as trying to keep up with the latest health food trends and how to develop a simple, practical, common sense approach to understanding foods that suit individuals and their lifestyle.
Participants will also learn what Ayurveda is and what it isn’t, as well as what a nutritionally balanced meal looks like and why good digestion can be more important than good food, as well as a host of other topics.
Leading the talk will be well-known Noosa Ayurvedic practitioner and naturopath Wayne Celeban from Yukti Botanicals as he shares these great tips on nutrition.
Wayne said navigating through the modern health options has become exceedingly complex due to the recent boom in natural health product sales coupled with a saturation of information available online.
“Knowing what to eat doesn’t need to be complicated, it just requires some simple guidelines with a little common sense,” he said.
The free community talk will be held at Yukti Botanicals at Belmondos Organic Market, 59 Rene Street, Noosaville, on Wednesday 14 October from 5.30pm.