The heart and soul of Noosa

A beautiful umbrella for a stylish lady - Emma Freeman captured in a wonderful moment by friend Sally Haxton.

HUNDREDS of Noosa locals flocked to the Noosa Leisure Centre on Saturday 19 September to farewell one of Noosa’s treasures, Emma Freeman.
The 93-year-old was an author, prize-winning artist, playwright, sculptor and activist who helped shape the Noosa that we all know and love today.
The memorial service has been described as the Noosa equivalent of a state funeral and was well attended, with many joining together to remember a remarkable woman.
Emma’s life was nothing short of captivating and she captured her story in her book Hastings Street: Stories from Noosa Past, which was revised only days before her death.
Throughout her life, Emma was an integral part of the Noosa community from releasing her controversial art exhibition in the 1980s that included paintings of nude middle-aged women, to joining Noosa Parks Association in the 1960s and being at many environmental protests throughout the fight to save Noosa from high-rise development.
Emma will be remembered as a vivacious, stylish woman who loved Noosa dearly.