Tony to run for mayor

Cr Tony Wellington has announced he will run for mayor at the 2016 local government election.


NOOSA Councillor Tony Wellington has announced he will run for mayor at the March council elections.
In a statement provided to Noosa Today, Cr Wellington said he was not the “usual suspect” for a political career, having spent most of his working life in the creative industries.
Cr Wellington said he decided to announce his intention to run for mayor due to public speculation.
“For quite some time, residents have been asking me what my intentions are,” he said.
“I get questioned about this almost every day. With neither Noel Playford nor Bob Abbot intending to run again, I thought it was time to put some of that speculation to rest.”
Current Mayor Noel Playford said Cr Wellington’s intention to run as mayor in the next election was “good news”.
“People recognise Tony’s ability, plus he’s now had four years’ experience as a councillor to go with it, and it’s hard to beat relevant experience in any position, particularly a leadership one,” Cr Playford said.
“The last two busy years have shown him what’s important for an effective council. There’s no doubt he’s ready to make the step-up, and I wish him well in his campaign next year.”
Deputy Mayor Bob Abbot confirmed he “definitely won’t be standing” for election at the 2016 elections, saying he’s “had enough”.
“I’ll be 65 soon,” he said. “I’ve had enough. I know I have retired once and come back, but that was after a two-year gap.”
Cr Abbot, who was also mayor of Noosa Council and mayor of Sunshine Coast Regional Council, said he planned to play music, go fishing and remain involved in community groups into his retirement.
Noosa Today asked the remaining councillors if they planned to run in the 2016 local government elections.
Cr Frank Wilkie said he had been considering running as mayor and would officially declare his intentions over the next few weeks.
“A lot can happen between now and March,” he said.
Cr Wilkie said it was important to keep looking ahead as there was still much work to do to build the new council.
“I’m hoping for, and will work to create, a positive, forward-looking, future-focused team,” he said.
“(A team) willing to follow through on and review the extensive work of the current Noosa council and build upon it.”
Cr Wilkie said the focus would include further diversification of Noosa’s economy, as well as work on a new planning scheme that responds to changing community needs while protecting the environment.
Cr Sandy Bolton said she would also run in the 2016 elections, and Cr Frank Pardon also confirmed he would “definitely be running for council”.
“At this stage, I will be running as a councillor, but my options are always open and we’ll see who else is going to be running for mayor,” he said.
“I have the experience of over 13 years now behind me, and I shall watch with interest how the election contest will be conducted and whether I, and others, will have to struggle with similar goings on that have polarised this community in the past.”
Cr Joe Jurisevic did not reply to a request for comment from Noosa Today.