COUNCIL candidate Mark Rodriquez is calling for community members to have their say in Noosa Council’s online Transport Strategy Survey, saying its “worthwhile” if you are concerned about Noosa’s future transport needs.
Mr Rodriquez said after completing the online survey he found some of the options for answers to be “limited”, but was able to add comments and thoughts at the end of the survey.
Mr Rodriquez said his ideas for transport in the Noosa area started with providing tourists with more information about parking options and bus timetables to help reduce the flow of traffic in busy areas, as well as an increase of free park-and-ride services.
Mr Rodriquez questioned the validity of a car park at the Noosa Heads Lion’s Park, saying it was counterproductive.
“Take parking out of the Lions Park at Noosa to discourage cars driving down there,” he said.
“This is a public park which needs to be available for recreation, especially at holiday time. It seems counter-intuitive to say ‘use our free bus but bring your car down here’.”
An increase in water taxis, electronic parking-availability signage and a restriction on boat trailers along Noosa Parade were also high on Mr Rodriquez’s list of suggestions.