STUDENTS at Sunshine Beach State School are rolling up their sleeves and ready to get their hands dirty all for a good cause.
This year marks the school’s 25th anniversary of their annual School Clean Up Day which coincides with the nation-wide Clean Up Australia Day campaign.
Last year schools alone removed over 662 tonnes of rubbish from their school grounds and this year with rubbish bins at the ready, gloves on and pick up nippers working overtime, the Sunshine Beach State School students will happily join together to clean up the school.
The students are looking forward to the day with one student in particular saying they can’t wait to be the cleanest school in Noosa.
“If we all work together, our school will be the cleanest school in Noosa ever,” said Rhani, a Year 2 student.
The Environmental Leaders of the school are encouraging everyone to bring a rubbish free lunch on the day, 4 March, in a bid to build student’s understanding of the effect food choices have on personal and environmental health.
Environmental Leader Charli said the school would benefit greatly from the special day and would also raise awareness amongst students around environmental issues.
‘We are very excited to be involved in School Clean Up Day at Sunshine Beach and hope to significantly reduce the amount of rubbish,” Charli said.