Cashing in on retirement

Make some extra cash in your retirement by thinking outside the box.

BEING retired means being able to relax, take the dream holiday and learn that hobby that there has never been time to indulge in before.
But there’s just one problem, while dreams and passions continue to grow over the decades, bank accounts don’t necessarily keep up.
Fortunately, there are still things that can be done to make money in retirement which are fun – just be willing to think outside the box.
Here are six unusual and fun ways to make money in retirement.

Turn a love of animals into extra cash
Those who are lovers of all things furry can turn their passion into cash and offer a pet minding service. Offering a service allows the freedom to “work” as little or as much as needed while spending the days with loveable furry friends.

Take part in online surveys
Top up the bank balance by filling in online surveys in a spare 15 minutes. Market research websites, government websites and lifestyle websites are always looking for participants and a quick Google search is sure to point in the right direction. Just be weary of potential scams – survey websites should always be free and should never ask for money.

Attend focus groups
Agencies holding focus groups will shell out money to participants as thank-you gestures. Hundreds of dollars can be earned just from attending a one-day session. These can be limited to a few times a year but the rewards can make up for it. Most agencies have a pool of people who are registered on a database so that they can quickly track down the right personalities for a project.

Become a mystery shopper
Make money while shopping, drinking or dining out. Mystery shoppers are typically asked to visit a retailer and complete a questionnaire about how they rated the customer service.

Write content
Journalists are always on the prowl for extraordinary stories. Talented writers can put their skills to good use by freelancing for newspapers, blogging for company websites, writing for magazines or even trying their hand at play writing.

Take in a lodger
Have the children moved out leaving the home with unoccupied and unused bedrooms? Those who are willing to have additional company in their home can find that taking in a lodger can be a good way of generating a bit of extra income.