Two local black holes stars


LAST weekend, members of the Rescue Water Craft section (Jet Skis, Jet Boats IRBs) met to celebrate the end of season and present awards. Proud to say that two of our people, Chris Vaughan area 18 and Roger Aspinall area 19, operating out of Noosa, both received awards as operators of the year.
The main objectives of these patrols are to cover what is referred to by the crews as black holes. These are the regions that are not covered by lifeguards and lifesavers. They exist within the boundaries of districts such as North Shore to Sunshine area 19, and Noosa to Peregian,
area 18. It should not go unnoticed by the general public that both men performed 140 hours of patrols in their areas as well as 100 hours plus as normal beach patrolmen; giving each of these lifesavers a total of 250 hours of patrolling for the season. General public please note!
Another strong point regarding these crews is that despite the fact they work out of Noosa they are made up of lifesavers from different clubs such as Noosa Sunshine and Redcliffe; clubbies uniting in teamwork-what lifesaving is all about.
These men and their patrol mates are the backbone of our organisation.
The annual general meeting of the Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club has been held, and for the year ahead the two major positions of president and club captain are as of last season; Craig Law president and Scott Summers captain.
Other major appointments are deputy president Brian O’Conner, secretary Michael Smallman and Junior Activities chairperson Heather Mackay.
“The meeting was well attended, and I think that overall it has set the tone for the year ahead, said president Craig Law.
“To all office bearers,” he said, “who have taken on responsibilities with their new positions, we wish them well
and thank them for doing so.”
This weekend the State Pool Rescue Championships will be conducted on the Gold Coast and for this Sunshine will be sending a team of 20 contestants.
Last weekend, in keeping with their policy of planning for the future, Noosas Youth Development officer Carolyn Lansdown, took a team of six youth members for a team bonding trip to Byron Bay. Billeted together at the Arts Factory Youth Hostel and going from Friday through to Sunday, the trip was seen as a success. “If we are to continue our successes of the last couple of seasons, we must keep up with our training sessions and bonding trips away,” said Carolyn. “This helps to create a feeling of harmony and this is vital for our future.”
Following this, last Wednesday at the Noosa club a Youth Development meeting was held for the members to organise a plan to cover all aspects of their role in the season ahead.
Also during the week a team of 15 recruits continued their training for their SRC and bronze medallion. Regarding the State Pool Titles, Noosa will be represented by a small team of two.
We wish both Sunshine and Noosa good luck at the pool titles.
Continuing on from their success at the Australian titles where they won a silver medal, the boat section aims to form ladies open and under 23 crews; also an under 19 mens. “We are definitely pushing hard to form crews in these grades,” said David Tomba boat coach and sweep.
“Any member interested in rowing, please give me a ring.” Dave can be contacted on 0449 767 117.