Shed space for art exhibits

The Banana Shed is a space for local artists or tutors to share their works and skills.

THERE is an exciting new exhibition space available at the Pomona Railway Station Gallery following the refurbishment of the Banana Shed.
The space is ideal for artists wanting to display their works or for tutors who want to present workshops to students.
Any artist who would like to use the space is invited to submit an application for an exhibition or a proposal for any workshops.
The rustic shed provides a unique setting for exhibitions and can house paintings of various sizes.
Each exhibition will run for four weeks and will cost $50 to hire the space as well as a commission to the Pomona Railway Station Gallery per sale.
Artists and artisans are welcome to submit applications to provide workshops in the Banana Shed for small groups with a fee of 15 per cent of the workshop income.
For more information, contact Wendy Catlin at 5485 2950 or email .