Blizzard boxes up a storm

Tasmanian amateur boxer Tyler Blizzard has packed his bags for Cooroy.

By Ron Lane

YOUNG Tasmanian amateur boxer Tyler Blizzard had had enough, he was going to quit.
It was early 2016, and he felt he was going nowhere. Then the unexpected happened, a phone call from Queensland.
It was Cooroy boxing coach Mark Evans with a message – and the message was loud and clear.
“Don’t do it young fellow, you have too much talent. Pack your bags and come up here.”
Heeding the advice, the young fighter moved into the Shire of Noosa and immediately settled in as a member of the Impact Boxing Academy in Cooroy.
He immediately started training under his “phone caller,” coach Mark Evans, and as they say – the rest is now history.
Educated at St Patricks College in Launceston, Tasmania, the young fighter has now had a total 36 fights and since arriving on the coast has never lost a bout. If present achievements are any indication, his future looks very promising.
His record shows four Australian Titles and two Golden Gloves.
Last month, while touring Ireland as a member of the Queensland Amateur Boxing Team, he fought in both the Munster and Celtic Cup tournaments and came home undefeated.
Tyler’s wins in the Celtic Cup Tournament resulted in his being awarded the coveted Celtic Cup Championship Belt.
“After the award it was all surreal,” said Tyler, “There were TV and media all over the place; and the belt – well it was something else. When I first saw it on display I never imagined myself ever getting it, but I did – it was unbelievable.”
However, success in the fight game does not come easy. After making up his mind to make it his thing in life, he had discussions with his coach and as a result Mark invited him to move into the family home; and also offered him work for a few days a week in the paint contracting business.
“His day starts at 5am,” said Mark. “Roadwork and then into the gym. Then after work it’s back for more gym work. Our goal for the young man is the Commonwealth Games in 2018 and if he is still on track it’s the big one, the Tokyo Olympics.’’
But for now there is a quick trip to Tasmania. The reason for this, is that he will be the major fight on the under card against Bradley Collins of NSW, for the Daniel Geale professional World Title fight. This came about when his old coach Craig Woods rang with the offer. Tyler’s handlers quickly accepted and the date is set for 13 October. We wish this young amateur and his coach all the best.
At the Israel Kani Noosa Box Office Gym in Noosaville, Bennie Slavin has chalked up a great win. Flying out to Moranbah on short notice, Slavin won a unanimous points decision when he outpointed his opponent Tysinn Vest. “Fighting the main event in the Elite division it was a very good result,’’ said coach Israel.
“Our next tournament will be at the Dag Pub in Caboolture 22 October, and for that we will have a team of seven.’’