Winners of national championship

Winners - Back row, from left: Ross Towner, Lex Farqharson, Ian Leeson, John Stackpole, Brian Walters, Gary Madsen, OAM. Front row: John Norden , Geoff Dymock, Noel Cox, Ian Peterick (VC), Brian Kratzman, Nev Kratzman, Rob Wilkes, Daryl Stewart, Mick Fogarty (Absent).

THE Queensland Over-70 cricket team has returned victorious from the National Championship in Perth.
Each year Senior Cricket Australia run the National Championships, and this year 42 teams from every state and New Zealand competed in Perth.
Queensland had six teams competing and five of these won each of their pool games to reach the finals.
Three of these won their finals matches and were awarded National Champions status.
Winning Queensland Teams were Division 2 and 3 in the Over 60 Division and the Over-70 Team in that Division.
This year a number of ex-Test cricketers were involved and Queensland teams boasted about five ex-Sheffield Shield players.
The Over-70 team included four local cricketers in Gary Madsen, Nev Kratzmann, Ian Leeson and John Norden.
This team defeated South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria Country in the pool games and won the final match convincingly against Victoria 1.