Katie has hands full

Eumundi's Katie Harvison with her pooch Django.

Katie Harvison and husband Trent are the faces behind the popular Starry Nights Outdoor Movies. Katie also makes and sells her own unique range of terry towelling clothes under the label Red Fish Blue Fish at the Eumundi Markets.
We ask Katie, what are you …
Listening to?
Tash Sultana and Marlon Williams – stand-out performers I’ve loved at the last two Woodford festivals. Playing them again now brings back the memories of gigs that gave me goosebumps.
Two books on the go at the moment. ‘All the Light We Cannot See’ by Anthony Doerr and also ‘Goodwood’ by Holly Throsby. Better get cracking as I need them both finished before my next book club rendezvous in only five more sleeps!
Beautiful Boom Shankar – a cool comfortable cotton dress from this summer’s collection. Boom Shankar is 100 per cent my favourite label to wear. I love the prints and the sense of fun that it brings and that it’s all locally designed by the fabulous Dui Cameron.
Passionate About?
I’m passionate about supporting locally designed and made products. Living in the creative hub of Eumundi, I’m blessed to be surrounded by an incredible bunch of talented artisans – potters, painters, jewellers, florists, foodies and more. Let’s support our arts community and help the makers to keep making!
Angry About?
Child trafficking and exploitation. My family are supporters of a phenomenal organisation called Forget Me Not, which works to protect and provide for children, keep families together, and reunite displaced children with their families in Nepal, Uganda and India. See what they do at www.forgetmenot.org.au
Planning to do this weekend?
My husband Trent and I run outdoor movie events on Friday and Saturday nights (this Friday is a community screening of ODDBALL in Cooroy on the grassed Library Roof) – and I’ll be making some big batches of popcorn! Saturday sees me selling my clothes at the Original Eumundi Markets; and Sunday will be some quality family downtime – sleep ins, out for brunch, a beach swim, and a bit of reading.