Sausage sizzle wheelchair support

All funds raised from the 1 April Cooroy IGA sausage sizzle will go to the Keison Wheelchair Appeal.

Charity starts at home and the Rotary Club of Cooroy is donating the net proceeds of its April and May IGA sausage sizzles to the Keison Wheelchair Appeal.
Keison has been diagnosed with SMA type two, a spinal muscular atrophy condition that affects the muscles.
It is characterised primarily by progressive muscle weakness that develops in children aged between seven and 18 months.
The Rotary Club of Cooroy is urging the community to support its next barbecue outside the Cooroy IGA on 1 April to help support Keison.
Rotary Club of Cooroy president Andrew Aves said: “Many hands make light work” with club members working in conjunction with other Rotary cluster clubs of Noosa, Noosa Heads and Eumundi to raise funds.
“Children affected by SMA type two can sit without support; however they cannot stand or walk making a wheelchair a necessity,” he said.
“Over the years our team have been working hard fundraising for projects in both our local community and internationally and we try to focus on youth projects.
“The Rotary Club of Cooroy is now teamed with six Australian Rotary Clubs and six Nepalese Rotary Clubs to implement a teacher training programme in Nepal.”
For more information call Linda on 0403 172 534 or come along to one of the club meetings and follow the club’s progress at