Married to the job of being a mum

Beth is also known as an 'aunty' to many local kids and a 'sister' to the women.

Beth Newman is a renowned midwife, registered celebrant, pre-teen mentor and mother to a 12-year-old daughter, so how does this Eumundi super-mum juggle it all?

What has surprised you most about being a mum?
“I didn’t expect that becoming a mother was going to be so exhausting and constant!
“It has surprised me how one young being can love their mother so unconditionally.
“Also, the responsibility that my every action, conversation and relationships influence so much of what my daughter will become.”

Why are your pre-teen workshops ‘Walking the Emerging Woman’ so important?
“When I was a preteen, my mum didn’t inform or empower me about my body and how it functions.
“Over the years I have learned it is normal for most women to grow up with limited knowledge about their bodies.
“I see personally and professionally that these limitations contribute to fear and disempowerment around significant times in a woman’s life; loss of virginity, childbirth and menopause.
“It is time to encourage our young girls to respect their bodies, own their decisions, navigate the changes and be empowered by the knowledge we impart.”

What do you enjoy most about being a celebrant?
“Standing in the love bubble at the alter! I never knew that was part of it until I was in it!”

What brings you the most happiness in your life?
“Sharing love, being around happiness and dancing like no-one is watching.”

How long have you been a midwife?
“I’ve been a practising midwife of 11 years, with experience in public health and private practice.
“I have assisted, facilitated and supported many women and families through the pregnancy, birth and post-natal time.”

What makes you unique in this area?
“For me, it’s about coming back to basics.
“Whilst I believe no two women will birth the same, I do believe that all women require love, support, empowerment and trust, and as a midwife I am happy to facilitate this process.”

How do you like to unwind?
“Long days at the beach that stretch into sunset.”

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