Faith overcomes all fears

Faith Roche firewalker.

By Margaret Maccoll

Year 9 student Faith Roche at St Andrews Anglican College was one of six scholarship recipients recently selected to take part in Unleash the Power Within, a program held by the Tony Robbins Foundation, focused on empowering tomorrow’s leaders.
The intensive four-day program included a firewalk (crossing a bed of hot coals on foot), workshop and presentations on creating plans and strategies for life goals, while increasing health and energy levels along the way.
Faith, 14, said the experience was one she would never forget.
“Although the course covered a variety of topics including business, health and driving needs, the focus was on the idea of fear,” she said.
“We completed the firewalk on the first evening, which was a metaphor on how a change in state can allow you to use fears to your advantage and be in control.
“As the name suggests, it was about learning to unlock a fuller version of your life.
“Simply being in a room with 6000 other like-minded people at such a high energy level was such a moving thing to be able to be a part of.
“I can confidently say that this is only the start of my journey.”
The Tony Robbins Foundation is a non-profit organisation created to empower individuals and organisations to make a significant difference in the quality of life of people often forgotten – youth, homeless and hungry, prisoners, elderly and disabled.