Cute pair looking for love

Pontoon recovered by Noosa Coast Guard.

At Noosa RSPCA dogs come and go, but every now and then a really special dog or two comes along.
Two German shepherd crosses Mischa and Occi have become the darlings of Noosa RSPCA but after a two month stay staff are wondering why no one has taken home the dogs they have grown to love.
RSPCA spokeswoman Kitty O’Brien said the challenge was to find someone willing to take both dogs as after spending their lives together they are inseparable.
“They’re quite dependent on each other. They play tug-o-war together. It’s quite sweet,” she said.
The pooches are very friendly and very social and being middle aged are not high energy.
“We just love them. They’re just beautiful. They just want to be part of someone’s family.”
Mischa has hip dysplasia but having been put on a diet to lose some excess kilos and pain relief she has greatly improved.
Both dogs are vaccinated, desexed and microchipped.
Anyone wanting two delightful older dogs should go and visit them at the RSPCA at Hollett Street, Noosaville.

Missing a pontoon anyone?
Rotary Rescue was called out on 10 October to find and relocate a drifting pontoon reported to be at the river mouth. It was located aground across the river from Munna and towed to the Noosa Jetty Builders barge by the Yacht Club. If you’ve lost a pontoon you’ll know where to find it.

Which DIY job do you hate the most?
A recent survey of 1700 customers conducted by find-a-tradie site revealed some surprising differences in attitude between men and women and their thoughts on do-it-yourself jobs around the house.
When asked “What trade skills do you most wish you had”, men seem to be jealous of tradies with technical skills, whereas women admire tradesmen that are good with their hands.
In response to that question 42 per cent of men answered electrical skills compared to 33 per cent of women while more than a quarter of women wished for landscaping skills compared to just 18 per cent of men.
Men and women hate DIY for different reasons. Women are less likely to complain about wasting their time than men (34 per cent v 40 per cent). Men are 50 per cent less likely to complain about being physically exhausted than women.
Men are 46 per cent more likely to try DIY before hiring a tradie, while women are less likely to hire DIY, men more often (42 per cent more) find that their DIY job doesn’t turn out how they picture it.
Not surprisingly, everyone’s most despised DIY job was the blocked toilet.