Girls, it’s time to get active

Councils move to get women moving and active is off and running.

Today is a new beginning for women and girls wanting to be more active. The new Healthy Sunshine Coast Get Out Get Active program designed to motivate, inspire and support women and girls wanting to be more active was launched yesterday, so whether it is yoga, dancing or group fitness, inactive women and girls can take the first step and attend council’s free Healthy Sunshine Coast Get Out Get Active classes starting on 13 November.
Council’s funding application to the Queensland State Government’s Get Out Get Active program was successful and received $39,625 to conduct an $80,000 program aimed at increasing the activity levels of women and girls.
Research shows that women are less likely to participate in physical activity due to barriers in daily life such as cost, child care, safety or suitable activities available. This program will aim to improve opportunities for women and girls in our community by understanding the barriers, motivations and triggers women face so they can take part in an activity and feel the amazing health and social benefits of physical exercise.
This program will be aimed at women and girls currently not getting enough physical exercise, so if you haven’t exercised in a while or ever, there will be an activity for you. You don’t need to be fit as a fiddle or have a wardrobe of active wear to participate.
Enjoy the health and relaxation benefits of yoga at one of the outdoor picturesque locations on the Sunshine Coast. All classes are at beginner level by qualified instructors. Don’t forget your yoga mat and water bottle. Bookings are essential, all classes are free. Program starts 13 November for 20 weeks (breaking at Christmas).
Mums from Caloundra to Coolum can join in one of the free classes designed especially for mums. All classes are beginner level with experienced trainers. Enjoy the social benefits of exercising with other mums.
To be eligible for mums and bubs classes you must have a child between the ages of 0 and 5 years (before school age). It is recommended to consult with your doctor prior to embarking on a new physical fitness program following your pregnancy.
Dancing is a perfect, low impact, fun and effective way to help you stay fit and healthy. Dancing also helps with co-ordination, balance, flexibility and strength, all while having a great time.
Why not come and try a new type of dance and experience the fun. Join in one of the four dance types on offer over 20 weeks.
Guided Bush Walking, Learn to Mountain Bike and Outdoor Group Fitness Programs available as well. There is so much to choose from, just jump online and look through the timetables and locations.
The program will commence on Monday 13 November and run through to 30 June next year. Bookings are essential for all classes via and search Get Out Get Active.