Q and A

Owner/director of Bio Shop Noosa, Uwe Wullfen, believes in living life with no regrets and loves a good challenge.
Pop in and say hello to Uwe at the Bio Shop in Belmondos Organic Market – his zest for life is contagious.

What is your earliest childhood memory?
Running away from home on my tricycle when I was three years old.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A soccer star.

What was your first job?
My first job was when I was 14 and was able to ride a little motorcycle. I was a courier for a printing company.

What is your most treasured possession?
I am not very in to material … so I have difficulty to answer that. If it counts I would say that my soul is my most treasured possession.

What’s your favourite book?
Care of the Soul, by Thomas Moore.

What do you do to relax?
I do a lot of photography and videography and love listening to music. Cooking is also one of my favourites.

What music/movie/TV show have you been listening to/watching lately?
I am not watching TV but I love music and at the moment it is Lisa Gerrard, Creed and Dope Lemon.

What is your greatest fear?
No fears. I lost my fears when I lost my baby boy in 2000.

What is your next challenge?
Business: My next challenge jobwise is to bring Bio Shop to the next level … how exciting.
Private: My next challenge will be to raise money for an orphanage in Nepal which I support and built a house for the 22 children I am supporting. Another challenge is already locked in for 2019 to visit the Antarctica and write my third book … by saying that my second book will be about this orphanage and the first one, which is out now, is about Cuba before the Death of Fidel Castro … I love challenges.

What is your favourite dish at the moment?
My favourite dish at the moment is turmeric scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and sauerkraut from Vanilla Foods in the Belmondos Organic Market.

What is the most important thing in your life?
Most important in my life is my health and my beautiful family, peace on earth and more compassion from everyone including myself.