System fix for burnout

Lisa Murray.

If you’re feeling stressed and burnt out, author Lisa Murray believes she’s hit on the solution to moving forward to an energised life.
Lisa will launch her book ‘Living Beyond Burnout’ this evening at 6pm at The J, Noosa Junction.
Lisa said the book offered a system for preventing burnout and an invitation to transform fatigue and exhaustion by changing the underlying causes, as well as treating the symptoms that stop you from enjoying your life in all its magic and magnificence.
“Your work can be a creative possibility in each moment, rather than a drudge-filled list of expectations and guilt-laden ‘shoulds’. Work has largely become an enslavement of our time and energy, rather than an expression of our brilliance,” she said.
“Burnout and fatigue show up when the way you are working no longer works for you. If loving your work is the quest, discovering new possibilities for how to work is the start of a journey you’ll be grateful for a thousand times a day.
Lisa is also the author of Stop Waiting, Start Creating (2016).