THREE … Tips to Surviving Christmas

Christmas Day is everyone’s favourite day of the year, but it often comes at a price. Here’s a few tips to surviving the big day:
1. Don’t do everything yourself.
Ask other family members to bring different parts of the meal, such as snacks, salads or desserts – don’t be afraid to ask for help. Get the kids to help out and take time for YOU, even if it’s just allowing yourself to watch one special TV show that you really want to see.
2. Get active the morning after.
As soon as you are feeling remotely human, then think about doing some exercise. A brisk walk, light jog or swim will help work off those extra roast potatoes and all those second helpings you may have had and get you feeling human again.
3. Don’t be on your own
If you are concerned about being lonely over Christmas, do something about it now. Invite a few others over who are in the same boat as you and consider offering your house as a venue for the event. Take up any invitations to other festive events too.