Easter is a fun time for the whole family, but dog owners are reminded of the dangers of feeding their pet chocolate over the coming Easter long weekend.
Acting Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Anthony Lynham has issued a timely warning for dog owners to ensure their animals do not suffer any ill effects from Easter treats.
“We all love a bit of chocolate at Easter, but if your favourite pooch consumes even a small amount it could cause some nasty side effects or worse,” Dr Lynham said.
“Chocolate is toxic to dogs and contains ‘theobromine’, which affects their nervous system and heart. This can cause extreme distress to a dog.
“Even a small amount can cause health problems and large amounts can be life-threatening.”
Dr Lynham wants Queensland families to be aware of the risks and for parents to especially make sure their children understood they shouldn’t share chocolate with the family dog.
“People need to be aware of the dangers and be aware of the symptoms of chocolate poisoning with the potential for harm from lots of half eaten Easter eggs laying around homes,” he said.
“It’s important to keep opened chocolate away from places where dogs might be able to reach it.
“Small dogs are at a greater risk than larger breeds but all dogs can suffer violent reactions including restlessness, hyperactivity, trembling, vomiting, diarrhoea, increased heart rate and seizures.”
“There are a number of human foods that you should avoid feeding to dogs. Chocolate is one of the worst along with alcohol, avocado, onions, salt, grapes and tomatoes.
“Anyone who thinks their dog has eaten chocolate should seek veterinary advice.”