Moving on after trauma

Charlie Brown's Jetts Journey has just begun and she's determined to turn her life around.


INCREDIBLE stories are beginning to surface from participants taking part in the Jetts Noosa 12-Week Weight Loss Journey.
Christine Rayner (aka Charlie Brown) has had a harrowing nine months leading up to the Jetts Journey, after she was the victim of a savage assault.
She said she was determined to get her life back on track and she’s already off to a flying start with help from her Jetts’ trainers and teammates.
“I lived and breathed my work as a youth development officer trying to make a difference in children’s lives,” she said.
“But one day it all changed and pretty much destroyed me.”
Charlie Brown was the victim of a savage attack and she has since had to deal with both physical and emotional recovery.
But she’s determined to get her life back on track and to help others overcome their difficulties.
Charlie Brown said she had grappled with constant nightmares, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and felt like a prisoner in her own body.
“I take each day as it comes and face the challenges, not expecting each day to be the same,” she said.
She said she was now developing a support group which consisted of her GP, psychologist and her loving daughter.
“Then there’s also now the Jetts Journey team,” she said.
“No day is the same, and I’m thankful for both the physical and emotional support.”
Charlie Brown said she hoped to help others through her journey with the message, “don’t be afraid to ask for help”.
“I will never get an answer as to why this happened to me,” she said.
“So I need to find peace and be able to move forward.
“I will always have the scare to remind me, but I have to not let it rule my life.”
She said the Jetts Journey, for her, was not so much about losing weight but finding herself again.
“Strength, confidence and being able to hold my head high,” she said.
“At the end of my journey, I’m hoping to become a role model to help others and my journey may even lead to studying health and fitness.
“Enjoy coming on the ride with us over coming week and yes … we’re getting our bodies pushed to new limits.”
SEND YOUR MESSAGES: Show Charlie Brown your support during the Jetts Journey by emailing