THIS Christmas, Santa won’t be dashing through the snow in a one horse, open sleigh.
Instead, he’ll be riding in a big yellow fire truck.
The Tinbeerwah Rural Fire Brigade has enlisted the help of Santa for its annual charity drive, collecting non-perishable foods from locals to help the Salvation Army.
The Christmas Drive will be on Wednesday 26 November, and locals are asked to help out the firies by donating long-life foods.
Santa will have lollies for all the kids and the team is hoping to collect as many items as possible to help the many families on the Sunshine Coast doing it tough this year.
The Christmas Drive starts at 6pm from the Tinbeerwah Rural Fire Station on Sunrise Road, Tinbeerwah, and will visit the following roads:
* 6.05pm Pacific View Drive, Tinbeerwah;
* 6.15pm Smiths Road, Tinbeerwah;
* 6.25pm Sunrise Road to corner of Wust Road, Tinbeerwah;
* 6.35pm Kingsgate Drive, Tinbeerwah;
* 6.40pm Patterson Drive, Tinbeerwah;
* 6.50pm Swift Drive, Cooroy;
* 6.55pm Lake McDonald Drive, Cooroy;
* 7.05pm Cnr Forest Acres Drive and Lake McDonald Drive, Forest Acres;
* 7.10pm Kelly Court, Forest Acres;
* 7.15pm Forest Acres Drive to end, Forest Acres;
* 7.20pm Koala Crescent, Forest Acres;
* 7.25pm Ironbark Court, Forest Acres;
* 7.30pm Cnr Forest Acres Drive and Lake; McDonald Drive, Forest Acres; and
* 7.40pm Dianella Court, Cooroy (end of collection).
For other residents who wish to help but are not in the selected streets please contact the Tinbeerwah Fire Station on 5442 6576 to arrange a suitable time to drop the goods off at the station by no later than 2 December 2014.