Mac out to spread soccer peace plan

Mac presenting the first round of soccer balls to Australian soldiers.


YOUNG Mac Millar has been making national headlines for all the right reasons, and now the pint-sized hero is coming to Noosa.
At the age of 9, Mac was inspired to send soccer balls to kids in need around the world. Since then, Mac has delivered almost 200 soccer balls by raising funds and enlisting the help of Australian soldiers to take soccer balls to Afghanistan, plus deliver soccer balls to the children of refugees in Australian detention centres, including Manus Island and Nauru.
Mac, who lives in Brisbane, has an impressive resume already having appeared on the national morning show “Today”, Channel 10’s “The Project”, is a regular guest on radio shows in Brisbane and Sydney, has a number one best seller on Amazon, has completed speaking tours in India and China and launched his campaign Football – Play it Forward, all before his 11th birthday.
As a guest of Rotary, Mac has spoken at 33 schools to over 11,000 students about why he thinks soccer balls can be an instrument for peace.
Mac, who wants to one day play for the Australian Socceroos and Machester United, will be addressing the Rotary Noosa Daybreak at their monthly breakfast on Thursday 22 January, from 7am. Don’t miss this chance to be inspired.
Everyone is welcome with a full breakfast only $20 per person. Contact Rotary Noosa Daybreak on 1300 791 226 for more information.