Ian Woods

Ian Woods is the Palmer United Party candidate for Noosa.
1. What do you believe are the major issues facing Noosa?
School holidays finish and everyone has no work. We need to build local industry and the local economy so that people can live and work here. We already do a great job at protecting our environment but if we don’t have a sustainable economy then business struggles and we don’t have enough jobs. So jobs for our mums, dads and training for our kids so they stay here and we can all enjoy what Noosa has to offer.
2. What is your position on major development in Noosa?
Local government should be ultimately responsible. Our platform is to strengthen the powers of local government so they have the final say. We don’t want State Government and developers forcing onerous development on local communities.
3. Explain in one sentence why people should vote for you.
I will do my best to provide honest and open representation for all the people of Noosa irrespective of status, wealth or ethnicity without undue influence from big business and interest groups.
4. If elected, what issues would you fight for in Noosa?
Jobs and training. Infrastructure including an international airport at Maroochydore.
Improved rail access. Governments keep promising but it isn’t happening.
Development and improvements to infrastructure around our natural resources. No good attracting more tourists if they are going to destroy what they came to see.
Sorting out the changing boundary issue, commercial fishing etc that are not happening now. While previous representation has done a great job, some new enthusiasm will provide a lot more action. I will do my best to get a fair and equitable outcome for all the State issues confronting Noosa.
5. Tell us something about you that most people wouldn’t know.
I really don’t want to be a politician but something has to be done to give proper balance. Too much power has been given to political interest groups and big business without concern for voters.