Record numbers at uni

The University of the Sunshine Coast will hit 11,000 students this year for the first time.


ALMOST 4000 new students will start studies at the University of the Sunshine Coast on Monday, taking the university’s population to 11,000 for the first time.
While the number of new students is similar to last year’s figures (4000), the overall number of students is up by 850, as more first-year students are returning in 2015, thanks to a targeted effort by the university.
The role of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students) was introduced at the start of 2014 with Professor Karen Nelson taking up the posting in April 2014.
The aim of the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Students is to ensure the university implements strategies to improve students’ experiences, particularly in their first year and to create cycles of student- focused learning.
“Students need to be supported in all aspects of learning,” Professor Nelson said.
“Students come to university to learn and part of learning is social and part is being engaged with their peers and discipline. We are focused on supporting all the different aspects of learning.”
While the issue of retention rates is a complicated one, with many different factors influencing a student’s decision to stay and study, Professor Nelson said USC’s focus was on creating an environment where all students were provided the best learning experience possible.
“We aim to strengthen the first year experience,” she said.
“We want to create an engaging environment where students are motivated about their study.”
Semester 1 will also welcome over 1000 international students from countries such as Sweden, Germany and America.
The most sought-after study program for 2015 is the Bachelor of Nursing Science, with 277 places offered to new students by the major QTAC round in mid-January.
The degree has been USC’s most popular degree since it was introduced in 2007.
Nursing Science is followed by the Bachelor of Paramedic Science (246 offers), Sport and Exercise Science (188), Primary Education (132) and Occupational Therapy (111) as USC’s most sought-after for 2015.
The university’s new degrees in Criminology and Justice and in Animal Ecology have made strong starts with 84 and 39 offers respectively.