Jury focus on waste

THE new Community Jury held its second meeting yesterday, with a continued focus on the best option for minimising organic waste sent to landfill.
The Community Jury is currently busy gathering information for the deliberation of the topic, while Council and New Democracy Foundation has been busy fulfilling the jury members’ list of requests for information and expert speakers.
Speakers at the meeting included a spokesperson from a local commercial enterprise, a large resort, and for a resident who had made a submission to the jury.
The jury also received information about the priority of greenhouse gas reduction, the relevance of organic waste to the overall greenhouse effect, education incentives to tourists and residents for using each type of bin correctly, plus the history of any trials to collect organic waste in Noosa Shire.
The jury also discussed the market and demand for mulch and compost, plus the economics of the mulching and composting industry.
The Noosa community has also contributed more than 20 submissions to the Community Jury, and more are invited via the Your Say Noosa portal at www.yoursay.noosa.qld.gov.au.
Noosa Mayor Noel Playford said the submissions received had been very comprehensive and applauded the enthusiasm from the local community.
“It is expected the jury will continue to meet once per month until July, before presenting their final report to council,” Mayor Playford said.
The jury received the requested data well before the meeting, and all of the information is posted on council’s online community engagement website, Your Say Noosa, under the project tab Community Jury – the future for Noosa’s organic waste project.