Industry funds its own shakeup

FOLLOWING the recent live baiting scandal, the Queensland Government has announced an independent review of the state’s greyhound racing industry.
The review will determine how live baiting was allowed to go undetected in the industry.
Minister for Sport and Racing Bill Byrne said the government’s priority was addressing animal cruelty in the industry.
“Queenslanders were rightly disgusted at the footage screened recently of alleged animal cruelty incidents by people associated with the greyhound racing industry,” he said.
“The industry has regulations in place and it is already a criminal act to perform cruelty to animals.
“What is needed is a clear headed review of what went wrong in the type of images we were all so shocked at seeing.”
Mr Byrne said he wants to ensure everything that can be done to investigate all allegations of animal cruelty be done as soon as possible.
The review will be headed by Alan MacSporran SC, a respected barrister with experience in conducting inquiries.
The review is expected to take three months, cost up to $3 million and be fully funded by the racing industry.