by Alasdair Scott
THE Wide Bay Championships event at Kawana last weekend was the final meet of the season for Eumundi Swim Club.
As the culminating event, it was fantastic to see so many of the club’s swimmers perform extremely well, with personal bests and great swims aplenty.
Despite the weekend’s soaring temperatures making it a little uncomfortable for the spectators – and energy sapping for the competitors – the Eumundi swimmers kept their cool and handled all the pressure.
By contrast, it was a lot cooler for the Tin Can Bay carnival last month. Now a traditional ‘club day out’, this was a fun-filled day, with debut carnival appearances for a number of our ‘Dolphin’ swimmers.
The relays at the end of the day being a highlight, with the camaraderie of the club’s swimmers coming to the fore.
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Walker and Troy Carlson, who travel to Sydney for the Australian Age National Championships in April. It is a great achievement for our small club to have two swimmers qualifying for the premier event, and others being very close to achieving the required time.
It was notable how many of the club’s swimmers represented their school at the District and Regional Championships.
This is all a testament to their training and dedication over the last few months and to the coaching of Lachie McLean.
Swim club nights continue for the next few weeks, each Thursday at 6pm, with the club’s presentation night coming up on 2 April.
Rumour has it that training is in full swing for the mums and dads’ relay teams, though Super squad swimmer Tenaya Carmont seemed unimpressed.
“We’ll smash them!”
Race night is 20 March and this will be the pinnacle event for some.