Speed a concern


A MAN caught driving almost 40 kilometres per hour over the speed limit has been fined $531 and lost six points in what local police called a disappointing morning on local roads.
The man was returning from work when he was seen driving at 119kph in an 80kph zone in Tinbeerwah.
Noosa Heads officer in charge Senior Sergeant Steve McReight said the traffic blitz on Tuesday morning was the start of the St Patrick’s Day and Easter Holiday traffic operation.
Thirteen people were fined for speeding in a four hour period with one man caught driving 93kph in a 60kph zone, with all other offenders doing between 14 and 18kph over the speed limit.
Snr Sgt McReight said local police will continue their heavy duty traffic operation to help keep everyone safe on the roads these coming holidays, with increased patrols planned throughout Noosa and North Shore.