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Dads’ fair a growing success

IF THE huge attendance at the Father’s Day Plant Fair at the Noosa Botanic Gardens is anything to go by, there is going to...

Astounding colours and perfumes

By John Green President Noosa District Orchid and Foliage Society THE Noosa District Orchid and Foliage Society will hold its spring show at the CWA...

Four-day festival brings the jazz

By Hollie Harris SOME 25 years after it all began, Australia’s greatest jazz musicians will again make their annual pilgrimage to Noosa’s jazz party for...

Touching family tale

The Weeping Camel I REALLY loved this DVD. Little wonder that it was the Academy Award Nomination in 2005 for best documentary. Viewing it is watching...

Gagging on her engagement

TODAY Margaret Atwood is practically a Canadian institution with novels, poetry, short stories, critiques and recently an opera libretto among her publications. Noosa Library...

Festival’s big on sight and sound

By Hollie Harris AFTER the massive sell-out success of the previous Junction Alley Festival it’s back bigger and better than ever on Saturday night with...

In it for the laughs

TICKLE your funny bone on 3 September at the Villa Noosa Hotel with Based Comedy presenting a fantastic night of comedy with some of...

A step up on your average ‘who-dunnit’

A THRILLER spoof is coming to Noosa Arts Theatre with Broadway’s multi-award winning and longest running comedy The 39 Steps about to wreak havoc...

Gunners fans in for a treat

PARADISE City - The Guns N’ Roses show is an authentic and accurate homage to one of the biggest rock bands of all time...

It’s all that classic jazz

THE Noosa Jazz Party is back with 10 fun-filled days of swinging jazz from the Roaring Twenties and beyond from Friday 26 August to...

Alley’s new enormous experience

By Hollie Harris Noosa Creative Precinct is proud to announce its next Junction Alley on 27 August which is set to be an experience that...

Finals set to launch career

FOR the past seven weeks, the region’s best young talent has been duelling it out for a coveted place in the finals of The...

‘Ban cats’: parliament told

Serial parliamentary petitioner Tony Magrathea appears to have hit a rich vein of support with his latest campaign - to ban cats. His petition closed...