When the threat of severe weather looms, staying connected can make all the difference.
With power outages a real possibility during storms and the unexpected arrival of a cyclone, having access to vital information is crucial.
Understanding this, Community Bank Tewantin-Noosa, Cooroy, and Marcoola took proactive steps to support our local community by distributing wind-up radios – practical devices designed to keep residents informed when it matters most.
Natural disasters can be unpredictable, and power outages are often a concern. We wanted to provide a practical solution to ensure that our community members could stay informed, even in the event of electricity loss. These radios not only offer access to crucial weather updates and emergency broadcasts but also serve as a backup power source for mobile phones, helping people stay in touch with loved ones and emergency services when it matters most.
Of course, we had limited stock – because let’s be honest, no one expects a cyclone in our part of the world. But when it became clear that preparation was key, we handed out as many as we could, making sure as many community members as possible had an extra layer of security during uncertain times.
Our thoughts are also with the many people across Queensland and njorthern New South Wales who have suffered during this time. We acknowledge the hardships faced by those affected and stand in solidarity with all communities working towards recovery.
As we reflect on this initiative, we hope that these radios helped many residents stay safe and prepared. We are proud to serve a community that looks out for one another, and we remain dedicated to doing everything we can to support our local communities. So, if you value a bank that truly puts community first, why not choose a bank that reinvests in the place you call home? When you bank with us, you’re not just banking – you’re contributing to a stronger, safer, and more connected community.