Capture your journey with Life Documentaries

Heather from Kensington in Victoria said she would highly recommend Life Documentaries to capture your story.

Life Documentaries has been digitally recording personal stories well before the global pandemic ravaged our shores – if you can recall such a time.

Offering a unique perspective, this is the most quintessential way of capturing your journey, as told in your own words.

Life Documentaries producer Herve Carlos said the idea for the business blossomed after his father passed away.

“I wanted to come up with a good way of preserving people’s memories,“ Herve said.

“Books and biographies have their place but to be able to see and hear someone telling their story in their own words is extra special.“

Herve said they make the process easy and comfortable for anyone looking to create a life documentary.

“It takes about half a day to shoot. We say to save about four hours for the interview recording process and then we shoot B-roll. In four to six weeks, we provide a USB with that person’s life story,“ he said.

“Helping people to tell their story is my passion, and never let it be said that I have allowed the truth to get in the way of a good story.

“Trust me with your story, and I will produce a documentary for the ages.“

Heather, from Kensington in Victoria, said she would highly recommend Life Documentaries to capture your story, in the way you want it told.

“We all have a story to tell, and we owe it to future generations to keep those stories alive,“ she said.

“What a great idea,” Rosemary said, from Nedlands in WA.

“A beautiful story,” Belinda said on Facebook.

Everybody has a story.

For more information on Life Documentaries call 1800 844 210 or email

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