Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien has announced allocations have been approved for an extra 521 new aged care beds in Noosa, Maryborough, Gympie and Murgon.
“This allocation will provide a significant benefit to Wide Bay’s seniors, ensuring they have future care options that are local to them,” Mr O’Brien said.
Local facilities that have received allocations for beds include, NoosaCare Inc, Signature Care Pty, Waterford Aged Care Pty, Lutheran Church of Australia – Queensland District, Palm Lake Care Operations Pty Ltd and Southern Cross Care Murgon – Castra.
Mr O’Brien said the allocations will provide a welcome boost to aged care services in Wide Bay.
“Wide Bay has a rapidly ageing population so it is fantastic to have this commitment for new bed allocations,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Almost 40 per cent of all new residential aged care places have been allocated to non-metropolitan areas, in recognition that improving and expanding local residential facilities and aged care services is fundamental to keeping communities like Wide Bay strong.”
It is estimated that the new allocations are worth approximately $30 million.
“I congratulate our local aged care providers on securing these new aged care places and I look forward to seeing the benefits of this funding flow to our community,” Mr O’Brien said.