Tourism Noosa have announced free membership to the organisation for members, and is encouraging Noosa businesses to become part of its membership.
The base membership fee will be waived for Tourism Noosa membership until the end of the 2020-2021 financial year.
Tourism Noosa CEO Melanie Anderson said the membership fee waive was to support its 600 plus membership base during these challenging times.
“The tourism industry in particular has been hugely affected by the COVID-19 restrictions and in a region like Noosa that relies heavily on tourism, businesses are doing it tough. We want to be able to provide some additional support to our members and this financial saving will hopefully provide some reprieve for members.”
“The membership fee waive also provides an opportunity for other businesses to become part of our membership base and access the various marketing and industry development opportunities that Tourism Noosa provides. For new members joining, the initial joining fee will also be waived” said Ms Anderson.
Tourism Noosa Board Director James Kendall said being a member of Tourism Noosa is vital for businesses in our region.
“I have been a member of Tourism Noosa for ten years, a resident of the Shire and been working here in Noosa for twenty years. Offering free membership at this point in time was an obvious choice for our Board and I would encourage all businesses to become members, and have a voice” said Mr Kendall.
Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart congratulated Tourism Noosa for its proactive approach.
“Given the impacts of COVID-19, it is more vital than ever that measures such as this are implemented to help our essential tourism-related businesses during the recovery phase of the pandemic,” she said.
“As a council we are doing all we can to provide assistance and I applaud Tourism Noosa for offering free membership as the industry confronts a challenging year ahead.”
Cr Stewart said domestic tourism would be a vital part of Noosa’s economic recovery post COVID-19.
“We expect many tourists will look to travel locally as soon as they can, so it’s critical that the industry as a whole work collaboratively and be ready to adapt” said Cr Stewart.
Noosa Junction Association President, Michael Tozer, said in these challenging times he was encouraged to see a unified approach between local government, Tourism Noosa and business organisations – working together to support each other.
‘If we’re to get through the COVID-19 challenges and come out the other side, we need to focus on immediate, practical steps to assist businesses to keep their doors open or reopen, and longer term strategies to innovate and operate in an environment different to the one we’ve known in the past,’ Mr Tozer said.
• Opportunity to be involved in Tourism Noosa’s strategic marketing program including visitor brochures and maps, cooperative advertisements, website and digital marketing
• Stay up-to-date with local, state and national industry news through the fortnightly members’ e-newsletter The Noosa Edition
• Invitations to attend regular networking events
• Opportunity to host a networking event
• Features in the weekly newsletter, This Week in Noosa (on a space available basis)
• Features in fortnightly members’ newsletter, Member Connect
• Voting rights at the Tourism Noosa AGM
• Participation in the Visitor Information Centre concierge service (and online)
• Opportunity to be featured in our consumer e-newsletters sent to a targeted database of up to 20,000 people around Australia and overseas
• Access to participate in our Adventure Noosa Group and receive discounted membership with Adventure Queensland
• Access to participate in our wellness and business events membership groups
• Access to Noosa image gallery
• Participation in the Visiting Journalist Program (conditions apply)
• Access to a range of members’ online resources
• Opportunity to join subsidised member training sessions on a range of topics to help improve your business and product offering
• Participation in Tourism Noosa training programs, Welcome to Noosa and Noosa Eco Check at subsidised rates
• Opportunity to participate in sustainability initiatives including Trees for Tourism
• Access to select visitor research documents
• Access to the ‘Member of Tourism Noosa’ logo and membership sticker
• Free listing in Festive Season and School Holiday Guides where appropriate
• Opportunity to present your product/businesses to volunteers and staff at a Visitor Information Centre Buzz Night (on a space available basis
• Opportunity to participate in the Tourism Members Directory
For membership details head to www.visitnoosa.com.au/membership