New film documents impacts of 2022 floods on Noosa’s coasts

Polystyrene balls litter the beach.

The first public screening of the local short film ‘Pontoon: The Polystyrene White Spill Disaster’ will be on Thursday 27 February from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at Coolum Beach Hotel, Beach Bar.

The film documents the real impacts of 2022 floods on Noosa’s coasts and our community through local footage and people.

Sunshine Coast Environment Council is hosting this fundraising event in partnership with Noosa Council’s Green Drinks Program.

They want to raise awareness of the real and devastating impacts of polystyrene across our marine environments.

The team warmly invite all to gather for this two year anniversary of the 2022 Floods that affected the Sunshine Coast, southern Queensland and Northern NSW.

Come and network with locals and experts who share concerns about the ongoing relevance of these issues.

Learn from amazing local people working towards sustainable innovation and environmental protection in our community.

This ticketed event includes entry and free bar snacks. Each ticket supports SCEC to continue our work in the community protecting our beautiful Sunshine Coast Environment.

The evening promises to be a lively mixture of people from NGOs, academia, government, business and community to come together to network and share ideas and build resilience.

Please book your ticket to secure your spot and support SCEC’s work in our community.

For more information visit