LNP election promises

Queensland LNP leader David Crisafulli.

As the election nears LNP this week issued a raft of election promises.

The LNP has committed to deliver new boating infrastructure to improve access to the Noosa River if elected.

“Current facilities are at, or over capacity and this has led to flow-on impacts in terms of parking and other congestion issues around existing boat ramps,“ LNP Noosa candidate Clare Stewart said.


The LNP announced a Queensland first agriculture innovation fund. The Sowing the Seeds of Farming Innovation fund will be kickstarted with a $30 million investment and is designed to attract the best and brightest research opportunities to Queensland, in partnership with industry and universities under the Cooperative Research Centre model, to unearth the world’s best farming innovation.


The LNP announced it would make Works for Queensland a permanent program of the State. The LNP has locked-in more than $100 million for local government programs every year, leaving the door open for future increases if take up from Councils is strong, as expected.


If elected LNP vows to build a second interchange on the Sunshine Motorway at Mt Coolum, delivering two new south facing ramps off the Motorway at Mt Coolum, to connect with Council’s proposed extension of South Coolum Road.

LNP Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson said the $40 million project would deliver infrastructure that would help divert through traffic off David Low Way and back onto the Sunshine Motorway, as well as relieving pressure on dangerous local roads such as Toolga Street and Tanah Street West.


The LNP promised to roll out a GPS tracking program for high-risk domestic and family violence offenders, as part of its Safer Families, Safer Communities policy. Under the pilot program, the LNP says it will protect victims of domestic and family violence by stopping DV offenders in their tracks with a GPS tracking program that monitors their location and sounds an alarm if the offender gets close to where the victim lives or works. LNP also vows to deliver three new Beyond DV Hope Hubs providing safe, hidden places for victims to receive wrap around support in shopping centres in key spots around the state.


The LNP announced its Games On! program, a $250 million community Olympic and Paralympic legacy fund for local clubs across the state for the sports infrastructure to inspire future gold medal winners in Brisbane 2032 and many more Olympics and Paralympics to come.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said Games On! would deliver new or upgraded fields and courts, clubhouses, changerooms, or lighting – all designed to expand the capacity of local clubs and get more Queenslanders on the field.


The LNP promised nine new specialist early intervention programs including one on the Sunshine Coast for wayward teens. The Regional Reset Program will offer intensive intervention for out-of-control youths who are careening toward lives of crime. Facilities will provide a one to three week “reset” for those demonstrating high-risk behaviour, with the live-in programs to intervene and divert youths before they become entangled in a web of crime.