’We’re not all tea and scones’: Wendy honoured

Wendy winning state fundraiser of the tear, pictured with a member at QCWA Cooroy Fair, and pictured with Peter Wellington who helped Cooroy Branch purchase the Qld Railway land at the back of QCWA Hall.

By Abbey Cannan

“We’re not all tea and scones,“ says Cooroy resident Wendy Bebbington, who has been recognised with an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the inaugural King’s Honours List.

The current Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) Cooroy branch secretary was honoured for her 55 years of service to women, and to the community.

“It was an honour and a thrill. It still hasn’t sort of sunk in,” Wendy said.

“I was thrilled but I thought other people probably deserve it more, or have done just as much in CWA as what I have, and they haven’t been awarded, but I guess in time they will be.”

She was named state fundraiser of the year at the QCWA in 2013 and 2009, and Country Woman of the Year, Charity Section in 2006.

Wendy has been hands-on in the Cooroy community as past president, vice president and treasurer of the Cooroy Chamber of Commerce, as well as a member of the steering committee at Cooroy Bendigo Bank Branch, and a past board member of the Cooroy Rag newspaper.

“I lived in Nambour at the time when I joined the QCWA, 50 or so years ago. I was president in that as well. And then when I was married, I moved up to Cooroy and joined the Cooroy branch,“ she said.

“I’d like to say thanks to my Cooroy team. In my term as president, secretary and treasurer, they have supported me all the way.

“I recently helped cater for the Cooroy branch, the State QCWA 100 years. I’ve been awarded for service bars and silver badges in CWA, which was an honour to wear those badges.”

Wendy said their aim in CWA was to help women and children.

“We do that by helping if they were affected by floods or fire or whatever, we send that money down to the state office. And then they allocate vouchers,” she said.

“It’s just ongoing but it’s a rewarding organisation to belong to. It’s caring. It’s just so friendly in the love and support of members that you receive. When you’re working or whether you have functions. They’re always there to support.

“I would like to see younger people join our organisation. We’re not all tea and scones. We support women and children and anything in the community. Anyone wishing to join the Cooroy branch of the CWA. They could contact me.”

Get in touch with Wendy by emailing wendyonebob@bigpond.com