Federal Wide Bay MP Llew O’Brien and State Ninderry MP Dan Purdie were the guest speakers at the Association of Independent Retirees (AIR) Noosa Branch’s 14 November meeting.
The meeting took the form of a Q & A session on ‘Issues Facing Self-Funded Retirees’.
Over a dozen issues were addressed during the meeting including the future treatment of superannuation, the deeming rate, public transport costs and the Bruce Highway.
Unusual issues covered by the two politicians included organ donation, reducing government red tape, GST rates and daylight savings.
Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack joined the group for an informal morning tea at the conclusion of the meeting as he was visiting the Noosa area.
AIR is the peak national not-for-profit organisation representing the views of self-funded retirees to government at federal, state and local levels, while remaining independent of any political party. We welcome visitors.
Find them on Facebook: AIR Noosa.