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Noosa’s tourism gold

IT was a successful night for local businesses at the 2015 Queensland Tourism Awards, with several operators walking away with top honours. The annual awards...

Businesses line up for green edge

By JOLENE OGLE SOME 17 local business leaders gathered at Peppers Resort to learn how to save money and the environment as part of the...

Food and wine fight ends

THE food and wine fight is over after local businessman Jim Berardo officially cancelled the planned re-launch of the Noosa International Food and Wine...

Secondhand Salvos

By JOLENE OGLE A CROWD of excited shoppers waited eagerly outside the new Salvation Army family store in Noosaville for the grand opening on Monday...

Art of sharing

NOOSA is home to a thriving art scene and a group of locals are working hard to share this with the nation with the...

Keep it classy

LOCALS are invited to indulge in a classy afternoon tea as the Santa’s Classy Helpers fund-raising activities draw to a close for 2015. Throughout the...

Sam’s the man for Tigers

FOLLOWING a hard-fought 2015 season the Noosa Tigers welcome new coach Sam Faure to the fold as they prepare to take out the 2016...

Phil’s burning passion

By RON LANE WITH the hot months of summer, we once again become aware of that great Australian threat, the bushfire. Already on the evening...

Ten grand in your hand

THERE'S only two weeks to go to get your ticket into the Sunshine Beach Surf Club Ten Grand in the Hand fund-raiser. With only 400...

Joan and Karen show form

By ANNETTE ADSETT COOLUM TENNIS COOLUM Tennis has had a busy week with championships and a working bee. On Tuesday, the B...

State award for Coolum Tennis Club

By ANNETTE ADSETT COOLUM TENNIS THE year may be winding down but Coolum Tennis Club has remained very active. The club had a big week...

Top tips to avoid the tip

The council is busy helping the community to recycle as part of its Towards Zero Waste campaign that aims to create a more sustainable...

Fishing Classic’s biggest year yet

There's already over $400k up for grabs as the Rainbow Beach Sports Club gears up for this year's Rainbow Beach Fishing Classic from Saturday...