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The Bolton report

As I spoke about in Parliament this week, our communities and broader Southeast Queensland demonstrated incredible resilience and tenacity during Cyclone Alfred. Noosa was...

OK, let’s try again

Normally, five-piece Noosa band The Claptomaniacs blow their audiences away with their authentic, precision performances. But it was ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred who blew the...

Dad follows son in police career

After running a business in Noosa for 18 years, Constable Dan Rudledge was motivated to apply for the Queensland Police Service when his oldest...

‘Ban cats’: parliament told

Serial parliamentary petitioner Tony Magrathea appears to have hit a rich vein of support with his latest campaign - to ban cats. His petition closed...

Council workers march for more pay

To chants of 'stand up, fight back' and 'stronger together' members of The Services Union (TSU) working at Noosa Council joined union representatives to...

Easter price promise amidst global cocoa surge

In the face of unprecedented global cocoa price increases, Noosa Chocolate Factory has pledged to keep its prices steady this Easter. Recent reports indicate that...

Sunshine Butterflies celebrate new Kubota vehicle

Sunshine Butterflies has proudly celebrated the success of its recent ‘Farmers Want a Kubota’ fundraiser, which has led to the purchase of a brand-new...

Noosa Ultra-Trail welcomes more than 1750 runners

Noosa Ultra-Trail welcomes more than 1750 runners from all over Australia from 20-23 March to experience the spectacular Noosa Biosphere Trails located within Noosa...

Employees at Noosa Council to take strike action

Members of The Services Union (TSU) working at Noosa Council will take strike action this Wednesday 19 March, in pursuit of a fair Enterprise...

Surf dogs triumph

The sun shone on Noosa Main Beach last Saturday afternoon as 14 teams of talented surfing dogs and their humans manoeuvred their way through...

WomenKind sprinkle their ‘fairy dust’ for women in need

Noosa women gathered for a special lunch organised by WomenKind Australia to celebrate International Women's Day on Friday 14 March at Waterfront Restaurant. WomenKind Australia...

Deputy Premier provides reassurance to Noosa

Independent Member for Noosa Sandy Bolton MP raised in Parliament this week the issue of the upcoming development of new regional plans during Question...

‘No taxation for sex change operations’: Family First

The Family First political party has announced its opposition to claimed lobbying by plastic surgeons to have sex change operations publicly funded. The party’s lead...

Rythme Mélodique