Space for working mothers
A GROUP of local mothers have banded together to create a child friendly work space for mothers on the go.
The Powerhouse Co-operative...
Hear a violin virtuoso
ATTILLA Sautov is a world-class violin virtuoso of the highest calibre.
Brandishing a brand-new 1705 Stradivari model violin from Cremona, he returns from an inspiring...
Picture postcard Pilates paddle
IT WAS all play and no work for Bondi Rescue’s Anthony ‘Harries’ Carroll as he enjoyed a paddle along the picturesque Noosa River on...
Art by locals
THE Endeavour Foundation invites you to celebrate the opening of Good Vibrations, the latest art project facilitated by local artists.
Three local artists - Dale...
Council’s rainbow flag
A LOCAL advocacy group has praised the new council for taking a stand against homophobia and transphobia.
Deputy Mayor Frank Wilkie says Noosa...
Breast effort for koalas
COMBINE the Sunshine Coast’s two most outrageously entertaining performers, the chance to win a swag of prizes, an excellent meal and the chance to...
Author down on the farm
Local author and librarian Allison Paterson is set to release her second children’s book and Grandma is sure happy about it.
Granny’s Place, released this...
Music of a generation
THE ’60s and ’70s rocked the world of music in a way that has reverberated to the present day.
Late for Woodstock know the power...
Threatened with firearm
A MAN is assisting police with their inquiries following an incident in Coolum Tuesday night (19 April) involving a firearm.
According to police, a man...
Veterans make their mark
NOOSA Vietnam Veterans will have their new branded marquees on display this month, thanks to a recent grant.
The grant allowed the group to purchase...
Display of pride
WILLIAM Grant stood tall with pride as he talked about the battle of Beersheba and the many stories behind his grandfather's medals...
In the line of fire
“WE were on the front twin Brownings (machine-guns) and hot shells were falling so fast they were burning our legs and we...