CLEAN Up Australia Day is almost here and community members are being called on to show their Noosa spirit and help keep Noosa clean.
Noosa Integrated Catchment Association (NICA) are pulling on their gloves and have their bags at the ready to pound the pavement this Sunday 6 March from 8am to pick up rubbish at over 30 sites in and around the Noosa Biosphere.
NICA president Tony Haslam and local volunteer co-ordinator Joe Jurisevic are calling on community members to show their Noosa spirit by picking up a bag and participating in Australia’s biggest community event.
“It’s time to roll up the sleeves and get stuck in to clean up our local sporting grounds, parks, creeks, rivers, beaches, bushland and streets after the rains,” Mr Jurisevic said.
“As Noosa locals treasure the environment in which we live, I am sure that everyone is aware of an area that could benefit from a community effort on Clean Up Australia Day.”
In 2015, more than 535,000 volunteers removed an estimated 14,000 tonnes of rubbish from 6890 sites across Australia. Here in Noosa, around 500 volunteers collected over 12 tonnes of rubbish from our local environment.
This year there will be over 20 open sites across the Noosa region where the public can volunteer to be a part of the Clean Up on the day with all Hinterland towns included with a new site at Federal now part of our local Clean Up.
Community organisations will also be out in force with over ten groups participating in the event including the 4WD Club who will be looking for illegal dumping sites in our forests, which Mr Jurisevic says is a major issue.
“Illegal dump sites are once again a major focus this year,“ Mr Jurisevic said.
“The bushland has been used as a free alternative to the Council-provided facilities where items such as whitegoods and saleable furniture can be disposed of for free.”
“Illegal dumpers show no consideration of the impact on our environment or the added cost to ratepayers. With the return of kerbside Clean Up, it’s time for an end to this type of environmental vandalism.”
A flotilla of water craft on the Noosa River is also expected which will be led by NICA River Rangers and Kayak Noosa collecting any debris in our creeks and rivers.
If your club or organisation is interested in taking part in the Clean Up Australia Day call the NICA on 5449 9650. If you would like to head to an open site on the day head to www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au to find your closest location.
Volunteers will need a hat, gloves and water bottle and are welcome to join other volunteers for lunch at Noosaville Lions Park provided by the Noosa Lions Club after the event.