WITH the Nipper season due to start on Sunday 27 September, the Sunshine Beach junior activities annual sign-on day is the best way to find out more about Nippers and what makes this such a great childhood experience.
This season, the sign-on day will be held at the Noosa Aquatic Centre on Saturday 5 September from 9am to 3pm.
The sign-on day is for both Nippers who are returning to Sunshine Beach as well as those who aren’t currently members that are aged between 6-13 as at 30 September this year.
Due to an increase in demand for places at Sunshine Beach Nippers, resources at Sunshine have been boosted for the upcoming season, therefore allowing the previous cap on membership to be increased.
The day is a great way for parents to find out more about Nippers and why Sunshine Beach Nippers is the perfect club for your family.
Your child or children will need to complete a swim competency assessment so make sure you bring their togs and goggles.
If you are new to the club there is no need to complete a membership form prior to the day, just turn up and all your questions will be answered before any paperwork is required.
For those not familiar with Nippers and Sunshine Beach Nippers, Nippers at Sunshine is a about fun, friends, community and beach safety.
Nippers is not a learn to swim program, but a program that helps children learn water safety skills that will be with them whenever they enter the water or in the case of first aid whenever such needs arise.
The Sunshine Beach program is a fun and active way to get involved in this iconic Australian summer sport.
The Nipper program at Sunshine focuses on engaging all Nippers in activities that will build confidence, both in the water and out of the water, as well as build on solid community and family values.
To experience for yourself just how great Nippers at Sunshine is, join us on 5 September at The Noosa Aquatic Centre.