Peregian Beach gets a new seat

The seat located by Noosa Council at Beach 52.

By Margaret Maccoll

The Peregian Beach seat saga continues with the arrival of a new, blue bench seat at Beach 51.
The seat which marks one residents 90th birthday now joins one placed at Beach 52 by Noosa Council following community upset over council’s removal of a former seat at Beach 52, which had been a popular spot for locals to view the beach and passing whales.

Wine by the glass a winner
A study by University of South Australia’s Ehrenberg-Bass Institute researchers Professor Johan Bruwer and Dr Justin Cohen found making wine by the glass available increased customers’ desire to try new and more expensive wines.
“People are keen to try different wines, but they get anxious about buying a whole bottle of a wine that is unknown and untried,” project leader Professor Bruwer said.
“The availability of single-serve-wines helps to overcome this anxiety and encourages customers to be more adventurous with their choices.
The research discovered customers who buy wines-by-the-glass tended to choose different wines to those they’d select by the bottle and that opened an untapped market that restaurants could leverage and capitalise.
The research also showed that the majority of wine-by-the-glass consumers were female (58 per cent), aged18-34 years old (52 per cent), most had a post-secondary education (74 per cent), and an above national median household income (+ $84K per annum).
Professor Bruwer said engaging this market might require restaurants to invest in educating their staff about wine and food pairings, as well as providing detailed descriptions of wines-by-the-glass on menus.