LOCAL Kin Kin artist Chris Lawlor will be the first to exhibit works in the newly refurbished Banana Shed at the Old Pomona Railway Station Gallery.
The exhibition entitled, The Second Life of Sepia, will open on Saturday 13 August and run until Saturday 10 September.
Chris said, “The Second Life of Sepia” is an accurate description of the exhibition’s colour schemes.
“It is also a metaphor that is explored through every canvas and board rescued from the kerbside, from hard rubbish piles or op shops. They are granted a second life,” Chris said.
“We live in a throwaway society where perfectly good or reusable products end up in landfill the minute people tire of them.
“The corollary to this is that as a society we are discarding people in the same fashion. The Second Life Of Sepia is a small statement in a small gallery that empathy and compassion are big things and that they have not gone away.”
The Banana Shed has recently been refurbished to look as original as possible, and is now open to artists and tutors who want to display their works in a rustic setting.
Artists are invited to submit applications for exhibitions, workshops or small group meetings.
The gallery is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and from 10am to 2pm on Saturdays from 1 August.
Phone the gallery on 5485 2950 for more information or visit www.pomonaartgallery.com.