ANOTHER successful season has come to an end for Eumundi Dragons Junior Rugby Club, but the announcement of a return sponsor has the club excited for the next season.
Club president Scott Thompson said the 2014 season had been a great success and the greatest reward was watching the improvement of so many players.
“The enthusiasm of our coaches, managers and volunteers has provided so much benefit to our players and we’re very grateful for all they have done,” he said.
Bendigo Bank Cooroy branch manager Geoff Edwards announced the bank would again sponsor the club in the coming 2015 season.
“We’re delighted to be on board again, giving kids an opportunity to stay fit, learn more about this great game and have lots of fun at the same time. Let’s hope even more local businesses sign on and get involved in supporting the Dragons in 2015,” Geoff said.
Scott said it was great to have Bendigo Bank on board for another year.
“Geoff and his team are so great to work with and their sponsorship allows us to offer support for all lovers of the game,” Scott said.