TWENTY-ONE primary school students from Cherbourg State School enjoyed a fun day of surfing lessons at Noosa Main Beach last Friday as part of the Bouyed-Up Program.
The five-day program is run by the Noosa Yacht and Rowing Club and offers the chance for Indigenous and vulnerable primary school students to build their confidence as they learn to sail and surf.
The program also aims to help the students build their self-esteem, develop motor skills, enhance their resilience, learn about the environment and culture and to value team work.
The students travelled down from Cherbourg last Sunday and have been camped at the Noosa Sea Scouts bunkhouse facility throughout the program. They have also visited many of Noosa’s top tourism spots.
Learn to Surf’s Merrick Davis said it was great to have the students for a fun lesson on the beach last week and said he was sure they took home some great skills.
“It was perfect weather for it,” he said.