Wearable art catching on

Multi-award winner, Julie McCrae in her wearable art entry.

By Hollie Harris

Wearable art is an exciting part of the Cooroy Body Art Festival featuring fashion creations which are made from recycled materials.
Julie McCrae is a multi-award winning entrant to this competition, and says she is looking forward to catching up to all the other entrants.
“We are a bit like a family who only get to see each other once a year,” Julie said.
Julie has won twice and received the people’s choice award for her incredible entries.
Running a busy blacksmith business, Julie tries to find the time to enter this one competition every year.
“The main reason I do this is to get ideas out of my head, and have that creative outlet outside of work projects,” she said.
“All my pieces have a story that goes along with them, and I explain it to my husband, Luke, and he writes the stories for me. He has a way with words,” Julie said.
So what has been the inspiration behind Julie’s entry into the Wearable Art competition this year?
“It’s a surprise! But I can say that my entry has a personal twist this year,” she said.
The Wearable art competition will be held on Sunday at 1pm, and is sure to wow audiences once again this year.