A LOCAL martial artist is dishing out tough love to the women and children of South Africa and wants you to help.
Tammy Kelly is on a mission to improve the lives of women living in fear every day by providing free self-defence classes for women and children in South African communities.
“I recently ran a self-defence course in South Africa two weeks ago, and over 200 women and children attended,” Ms Kelly said.
“Of those 200, multiple rape and domestic violence survivors shared their stories with me.”
Ms Kelly, originally from South Africa, now calls Noosa home and is running local self-defence courses for women and children over the age of 10 in a bid to raise funds for her Tough Love program.
“It is essentially a social enterprise where the women who train with me in Noosa fund the courses which I and my qualified team run in impoverished areas of South Africa.”
The Noosa program teaches participants the physical and mental techniques of self-defence as well as having a fitness element with part of the fee funding the free program in South Africa.
Ms Kelly offers month-long programs as well as flexible team building programs.
“If 12 women attend one monthly program here in Noosa, then that funds one class in South Africa,” Ms Kelly said.
“The first program starts Friday 6 May, with classes each Friday between 4pm and 5pm.
“The next program is in July with classes each Tuesday from 6pm to 7pm.”
Ms Kelly is a highly qualified self-defence coach and has trained in martial arts for over 30 years. Ms Kelly also competed in the South African karate national team for over 10 years, and said this was her way of giving back to the community.
To take part in the Noosa program or to find out more information, contact Ms Kelly on 0406 372 613 or 5455 5222.