COOROY State School students have excelled during a busy second term with field trips, sporting activities, poetry writing and several “epic” behaviour awards.
Principal Des Deighton said the vast majority of students achieved “epic” status during a celebration of sport, craft and movies held for the last week of term two.
“It confirms the Discipline Audit, conducted by a person external to the school, where Cooroy SS was acknowledged as outstanding or very high in nearly all aspects of how behaviour is managed in the school,” Mr Deighton said.
Cooroy SS students from years 1P and 1BC worked hard on their poetry assignments and held a poetry picnic last week.
“It was really great being able to get up in front of all the parents and do our poems,” Mr Deighton said.
Principal Des Deighton said the teachers were overwhelmed by the numbers of adults who came along.
“It was a wonderful sharing experience and many parents and carers organised a day off work to come along,” he said.
Cooroy SS Year 4 students spent an exciting and educational day in Brisbane during the last week of term two.
Mitchell from 4H said it was great.
“We were able to go under the Story Bridge and look at the amazing buildings in Brisbane,” he said.
The students also visited the Maritime Museum and toured the HMAS Diamantina.
After lunch, it was off to ice skating which Ella from 4H said was something different.
“I had never been ice skating before and I really enjoyed it,” she said.
Wherever the students went they were complimented on their good manners and behaviour, with the crew of the City Cat commenting that they were among the best-behaved and well-mannered students that had ever travelled with them.
Mr Deighton invited people new to the district or people with students of Prep age in 2015 to come along and visit the school. The office reopens on 14 July.